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 World can't wait

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Nombre de messages : 109
Age : 43
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2005

World can't wait Empty
MessageSujet: World can't wait   World can't wait EmptyMer 16 Juil à 13:01


Comme vous le savez peut être, WORLD CAN’T WAIT ( ) est une coalition américaine contre la guerre et l’Administration Bush, composée de personnes de tous horizons, de célébrités, de Représentants et Sénateurs courageux.

(Voir en bas d’email la sortie du rapport accablant de John Conyers, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee – « George W. Bush Versus the U.S. Constitution: The Downing Street Memos and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, Coverups in the Iraq War and Illegal Spying”)

WORLD CAN’T WAIT organise le 5 Octobre prochain une manifestation massive dans tous les Etats-Unis.

Cet événement de grande importance et de mobilisation massive est un signal fort à ce régime que les citoyens américains et le reste de la planète ne tolèrent plus un seul instant

leurs méfaits. Cette cabale – qui après avoir voler deux élections présidentielles (2000 et 2004) conduit inexorablement le monde dans un chaos programmé et sans fin.

WORLD CAN'T WAIT est une initiative Américaine, une coalition de personnes qui visent à stopper la grossière manipulation, désinformation, les mensonges quotidiens, le chaos et de manière plus générale le chemin catastrophique pris par l'Administration Bush.

WORLD CAN'T WAIT cherche à créer une situation politique où le programme de l'administration Bush est répudié, Bush lui-même destitué et où la direction dans laquelle ce régime a conduit les Etats-Unis et le monde soit complètement inversée.

WORLD CAN'T WAIT cherche a mobiliser des millions de personnes aux Etats-Unis et dans le monde, conscientes du danger que représente ce régime, de le dénoncer haut et fort en exposant la vérité et leurs vraies motivations, d'agir vite et en organisant un groupe de résistance fort.

WORLD CAN'T WAIT est ouvert à tous les individus et les associations qui pensent que le régime Bush doit être destitué du pouvoir, et ce quels que soient leur affiliation politique, s’ils en ont une.

WORLD CAN'T WAIT veut rassembler tous ceux qui ont été trompés par la propagande Bush et qui en sont victimes – tous ceux qui avaient une longueur d’avance et connaissaient son programme malveillant avant qu’il n’accède à la maison blanche et d’y mettre fin le plus rapidement possible.

Afin de manifester notre solidarité avec WORLD CAN’T WAIT tout en étant conscients que la politique Américaine n’est pas sans effet sur le reste du monde, une manifestation massive est prévue le même jour à Genève, le 5 Octobre 2006. Les détails sur cette manifestation (lieu, heure) restent à être fixés.

Dans l’immédiat, je vous propose de faire circuler le plus rapidement possible cet appel à une mobilisation à Genève, siège de L’Organisation des Nations Unies et du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme.

WORLD CAN’T WAIT est en mesure de fournir du matériel pour la manifestation ( mais des bannières devraient être réalisées ici.

Une mailing list vient d’être crée pour échanger des idées avant la manifestation, informer et éventuellement se rencontrer pour affiner le plan d’action.

Envoyez un email vide à :

J’ai rencontré Pierre Vanek de Solidarités au début de l’été et il est prêt à mobiliser ses troupes. Il faut faire circuler cet appel à toutes les autres organisations, associations, le plus largement possible dans vos réseaux, et faire le point début septembre.

N’hésitez pas à envoyer vos idées, commentaires sur la mailing list.


(Un ancien ami à moi désirant rester annonyme)


October 5: There is a Way! There is a Day!

Paix en votre âme

Think of all the people who are deeply distressed over the direction in which the Bush regime is dragging the country - and the world... All the people who are outraged over the way in which this regime is arrogantly seeking to bludgeon into submission people in the Middle East, and throughout the world, while trampling on the rights of the people in the U.S. itself... All the people who care about the future of humanity and the planet we live on, and who recognize the many ways in which the Bush regime is increasingly posing a dire threat to this... All the people who are stirred with a profound restlessness by these feelings but are held back by the fear that they are alone and powerless; or who say that they wish something could be done to stop and reverse this whole disastrous course, but nothing will make a difference; or who hope that somehow the Democrats will do something to change this, when everyday it becomes more clear that they will not... All these people, who make up a very large part of the population of this country and whose basic sentiments are shared by the majority of people throughout the world...

Imagine if, from out of this huge reservoir of people, a great wave were unleashed, moving together on the same occasion, making, through their firm stand and their massive numbers, a powerful political statement that could not be ignored: refusing that day to work, or walking out from work, taking off from school or walking out of school -- joining together, rallying and marching, drawing forward many more with them, and in many and varied forms of creative and meaningful political protest throughout the day, letting it be known that they are determined to bring this whole disastrous course to a halt by driving out the Bush Regime through the mobilization of massive political opposition.

If that were done, then the possibility of turning things around and onto a much more favorable direction would take on a whole new dimension of reality.

It would go from something only vaguely hoped for, by millions of isolated individuals, and acted on by thousands so far, to something that had undeniable moral force and unprecedented political impact.

There is a way to make this happen. There is a day, coming soon, on which people will be mobilizing to make this a reality. There is a vehicle and a means through which anguish, outrage and frustration can be transformed into truly meaningful, positive and powerful political mobilization.

On October 5, 2006, on the basis of the Call, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime!, people throughout the country will be stepping forward in a day of mass resistance. The breadth, the depth, the impact and the power of that day depends not only on those in The World Can't Wait organization, and others, who are already organizing for this day -- it depends on you, on us, on all those who have been hoping and searching for a means to do something that will really make a difference.

If we fail to act to make this a reality, then it will definitely make a difference -- in a decidedly negative way. But if we do take up the challenge to build for this, and then do take history into our hands on that day, through political action on the massive scale that is called for -- it can make all the difference in the world, in a very positive sense and for the possibility of a better future for humanity.


"The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined. The future is unwritten. WHICH ONE WE GET IS UP TO US."
George W. Bush Versus the U.S. Constitution:
The Downing Street Memos and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, Coverups in the Iraq War and Illegal Spying
Compiled by the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff
Introduction by Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson
Edited by Anita Miller

Category: Politics
Format: Trade paperback, 260pp, 6 x 9
ISBN: 0-89733-550-3 / 978-0-89733-550-8
Price: $15.95

About the Book

In July, 2005, Rep. John Conyers, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, commissioned this report after President Bush failed to answer a letter from 122 members of Congress and a half million Americans about the truth of the Downing Street Memos.

This book is replete with evidence that the run-up to the Iraq War was laced with Administration lies and distortions, to make it appear that the U.S. was threatened. As the Downing Street Memos say: “. . . the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”

This unique compilation also includes information about torture in Abu Ghraib, Guantanomo and other detention centers in direct violation of the Geneva Convention, as well as information about unauthorized domestic spying by the National Security Agency.

Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson—author of the New York Times bestseller The Politics of Truth—was sent to Niger by the CIA to investigate the Bush Administration charge that Saddam Hussein had bought “yellow cake” for his alleged nuclear weapons program. Mr. Wilson ascertained that there was no truth to the charge. His wife, Valerie Plame, a career undercover operative for the CIA, was later outed by members of the White House staff in apparent retaliation for Ambassador Wilson’s finding.

Readers of this crucial report will understand at last that the erosion of Americans’ rights as to war, privacy, and freedom of speech, presents a threat to our security and our liberty.
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